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Ma Mascotte

Giant Statues – Giant Figurines – Custom Sculpture – Mascot Decoration – Giant POP – Giant 3D Object – XXL Objects – Decor – Window Display

Manufacture of statue and decorative sculptures. Custom sculpture and replica of giant objects.

Do you want a mascot for your company/association for an event or to decorate your reception or your offices? Are you looking for giant 3D objects or figurines for your POP displays or decorations?

At Ma Mascotte, we design and manufacture giant sculptures (in fibreglass or resin) for all our clients. We offer custom made 3D artworks of art with perfect finishing touches.

Manufacture of giant 3D sculptures

Each piece is directly hand-sculpted by a skilled artist for a high quality custom made rendering.

We create giant sculptures and figurines of all kinds: animals, characters, statues, objects, POS, furniture, etc.  We also specialise in the reproduction of masterpieces.

Durable and lightweight, our custom-made creations are perfect for attracting the eye and customers.

Our custom-made statues and sculptures in resin or fibreglass are ideal for commercial animations, ornaments, films, product promotions, retailers, etc.

Custom Made Resin Character Sculpture (Giant statues, giant figurines, custom 3D sculpture) figurine.
Custom Made Resin Animal Monkey Sculpture (Giant statues, giant figurines, custom 3D sculpture) figurine.

Features of the sculptures

  • Quantity: Unit or Series.
  • Material : Resin / Fiber / Foam.
  • Size: from 50cm to 300cm.
  • Finishes : paint, varnish, epoxy (matt or gloss).
  • Frame if necessary, base …
  • Location : Indoor or outdoor.
  • Durable.
  • Transport and specific packaging.

Define your needs

In order to properly define your need for a custom-made sculpture, you must ask yourself several questions concerning its use.

Defining your needs for your future sculpture allows you to adapt the type of manufacturing technique according to your constraints, expectations and budget.

What will my sculpture be used for? 

  • Ephemeral / durable over time?
  • Indoor / outdoor use?
  • Exposed and accessible to the public (can be touched)?
  • Desired degree of finish (smooth, medium grain, coarse grain, rough…)?
  • Budget defined?

Example 1: A sculpture for a 4-month event in a shop could be made of painted polystyrene to minimise the budget.

Example 2: Conversely, a sculpture for an outdoor amusement park that will be used by the public could be made of resin to make it more durable over time.

In both cases the rendering may be identical but the technique, budget and life span of the sculpture are not.

Fabrication Décoration Sculpture Sur Mesure Résine (Statues géantes, figurines géantes, sculpture sur mesure 3D).

Prices for custom made sculptures

The price is given on quotation only.

For an idea of the budget, the prices are between 2000€ and 5000€ excl. VAT.

Tax exemption is possible! More information.

Steps and examples of creating a custom-made sculpture

Get your giant figurine sculpture for FREE! Don't pay anything!

Take advantage of the 100% tax exemption for your figurine or giant statue.

Summary extracted from Article 238bis AB of the General Tax Code:

The sculptures and decorations that we create are works of art by living artists. As such, tax deductions are available to companies and liberal professions within the framework of the acquisition of original works by living artists.

Companies that purchase original works of art by living artists and record them in a fixed asset account may deduct an amount equal to the purchase price from the profit or loss of the year of acquisition and the four following years, in equal fractions.

However, the amounts are only deductible up to a limit of 5% of turnover. In return for the tax advantage granted, the company is obliged to exhibit the work, free of charge, in a place accessible to the public or to employees.

Example: A company with a turnover of €1,000,000 can write off €5,000 over 5 years. It can therefore devote a budget of €25,000 to the acquisition of a work.

Article 238 bis AB of the General Tax Code in full

Fabrication Décoration Sculpture Sur Mesure Résine (Statues géantes, figurines géantes, sculpture sur mesure 3D).
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